Frequent Questions About Painting
Commercial, Residential and Industrial Painting Tips
Q + A: All About Paint
Q: Exactly how much paint should I buy?
Q: Do I really need primer?
Q: Should I trash a paint roller or try to clean it?
Q: Should I use oil-based or latex paint?
Q: Will dark colors make a room feel smaller?
Q: What do you do with leftover paint?
People also ask:
What kind of paint should I use ?
A: Flat, eggshell and satin are best for interior walls, whereas semi-gloss and gloss paint are best for trim and woodwork.
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Q: Do I really need primer?
A: Not if you’re using a paint-and-primer in one. But if you’re buying regular old paint, you’ll get better results if you apply a coat of primer before adding color. Primer, a light-color base coat, smooths and seals walls, blocking future stains and laying the foundation for a streak-free paint job, especially on raw wood, drywall, metal, and masonry. In fact, for these surfaces, many pros prefer primer over paint-and-primer in one because combo formulas can cost more and often require two coats anyway. Have primer tinted gray or the color of your topcoat if you’re making drastic color changes—like going from red walls to light blue ones—to better hide the old hue.
People also ask:
Q: Do I need to prime a new wall before painting?
A: Always prime your walls before painting if the surface is porous. The surface is porous when it absorbs water, moisture, oil, odors or stains. ... This material will literally absorb your paint right into it if you don't prime first. Untreated or unstained wood is also very porous.